Scientific Name - Ceratophora tennentii G nther and Gray, 1861

  • Group
  • Sub-group
  • Family
  • Genus
  • Common names
    Pethi An Katussa (S) Leafnose lizard (E)
  • Habitat
  • Origin
  • National conservation status
    CR- Critically Endangered
  • Legal status
    Strictly protected under FFPO
  • Similar species
  • All vernacular names
Ceratophora tennentii Günther and Gray, 1861

Contributors for Images:

Buddhika Mawella (ID-BM)

ECERO, 93/A/18
2nd Lane, Bandaranayakepura, Idigolla, Gampaha.

(033) 222 8823,

071 914 3228